Students looking for a school that aligns with their values might want to consider getting a degree in marketing from a Christian college. Many Christian colleges offer fully accredited marketing degree programs that combine traditional marketing coursework with general education requirements that teach Christian theology, values, and more. This allows students to deepen their understanding and appreciation of their faith while they build valuable marketing skills that can land them a job at some of today’s top firms and companies. Before selecting a marketing degree program from one of these schools, aspiring students should keep a few things in mind.
Start With the Right Accreditation for Schools and Programs
The value of a degree can often be assessed by looking at its current accreditations. In most cases, marketing degrees will be accredited in two ways. The first of these accreditations comes from a regional body that governs all institutions of higher education. These regional accrediting bodies are recognized by the Department of Education. They certify that a marketing degree will live up to widely accepted standards of rigor and content knowledge. This is also a key way to differentiate between Christian programs that are offered online and offline. Many online schools offer national accreditation. Some offer none, which can be a major problem when advancing to graduate work or competing for a promotion on the job.
The second accreditation to look for is the one offered by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International (AACSB). This accrediting association is considered the most exclusive and prestigious among business-related programs. Students who hold an AACSB degree, no matter what school it’s from, are among an elite group of graduates from exclusive business programs around the world.
Check Into the Program’s Curriculum and Values
Christian colleges operate from a variety of theological perspectives, representing virtually every major sect in the United States. From Catholic universities to their Protestant counterparts, students will want to investigate exactly how the school identifies. This is a key way to make sure that core courses and school policies align with a student’s personal values and the ones they’ve learned through the practice of their faith over time.
Another key thing to research is the actual set of requirements the marketing program has. In the current economy, students will most likely want to ensure that the program teaches digital marketing, social media marketing, and current topics in the profession via a seminar or capstone course. The key to any good marketing program is that it prepares students for current and emerging methods. At the same time, it recognizes the profession’s standards and traditions that have evolved over time. With a dual focus on marketing history and its digital future, students will be able to maximize their employment opportunities at traditional agencies and corporate marketing departments.
Christian Colleges Offer an Excellent Variety of Programs
Whether it’s a smaller liberal arts institution or a large university with tens of thousands of students, aspiring marketing students will be able to fit their desired values, class sizes, and coursework into their degree program with ease, according to the US News and World Report. Before choosing any marketing program, however, it’s important to conduct a fair amount of research. With the right courses and accreditations, a degree in marketing from a Christian college can prove invaluable in today’s economy.
Related Resources:
- 50 Most Affordable Christian Colleges and Universities
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