There are some misconceptions about Christian colleges that raise concern regarding the ability to get accepted into their nursing programs. In the end, the answer boils down to the individual student, their abilities, and their dedication that determines whether they are accepted into any nursing program.
Nursing Programs
Nursing programs are not limited to the large public universities that have ties to elite hospitals. They are also found in small colleges and universities throughout the nation. A college or university that produces an inferior nursing program will not receive accreditation. Students attending an unaccredited school put their future in jeopardy. Without fail, the successful college or university will pursue accreditation for their programs. The process of accreditation works as a quality control measure to ensure, in the case of nursing programs, that patients receive the same level of care no matter where the health practitioner received their degree. Nursing programs can be accredited by the CCNE or ACEN. Each school has its emphasis within the health care universe. Some are dedicated to research while others concentrate on care for the elderly or the very young. Most schools offer associates, bachelors, masters, and doctorates degrees in nursing that allow students to enter various levels of the health care industry.
The Difficulty in Getting Acceptance to a Christian Nursing School
Numerous Christian colleges and universities offer nursing programs at every level. Most Christian colleges have small student bodies with several schools of study. Smaller colleges offer advantages and disadvantages for applying students. The small size of the student body transfers to more competition in grades and social experience. Some Christian schools require a deep relationship with Christ and a reference by one or more reputable ministers, priests, or rabbis, to be considered for admission to the school. The smaller student body alone raises the difficulty of gaining acceptance into the college. The advantage of a smaller college is that there is a smaller student/instructor ratio. The decision to apply to a nursing program at a Christian school is a deeply personal choice.
Employment Opportunities
One of the advantages of attending a nursing program at a Christian school is the employment rate after graduation. In the public universities, students tend to get lost in the maze of names and faces. The smaller colleges, and especially in the nursing programs at Christian schools, tend to work harder to find employment for their graduates. Even during high unemployment periods, Christian colleges boast a high employment rate for graduates from their nursing programs. Some have consistently raised their graduate employment level within six months of graduation to 98 percent or higher. The employment rate for graduates coming out of these smaller programs lends testimony to the quality of the school.
For students who wish to enter a nursing career through an education program offered by a Christian college, accreditation and graduate employment rates should be evaluated. There are Christian schools as well as public colleges that are not accredited. Acceptance into a nursing program at a Christian college means the students hold the qualifications to pursue this degree at a small school.
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