Whether you are looking to add to your resumé or are simply interested in learning something new, taking part in free theology courses online is a great way to improve yourself. Universities, seminaries, and other religious organizations from all over the world have adapted their classes to an online model. Thanks to websites like Biblical Training and Our Daily Bread University, many of those courses are available free to anyone from anywhere in the world. That means you can study biblical theology, apologetics, and church history on your own preferred schedule. Though dozens of online theology classes are available, we’ve got the rundown on 30 of the best.
Apologetics Basics
Our Daily Bread University
The website Our Daily Bread University offers a slew of free online theology courses, including Apologetics Basics. This eight-part class provides students with a basic understanding of what Christian apologetics is and why it’s important. Topics covered include:
- the question of God’s existence
- the question of the Resurrection of Christ
- the question of faith & science, to name but a few.
Online Course Website
The Apostles’ Creed
Third Millennium Ministries
Richard L. Pratt Jr., THD of Third Millennium Ministries teaches this free online theology course via the website Our Daily Bread University. The Apostles’ Creed is a six-part course explaining the history, use, and significance of the creed which has united Christian denominations for nearly two millennia.
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Biblical Hermeneutics
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Biblical Hermeneutics is a free online theology course offered by The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary via the website Biblical Training. The course covers the history of the English Bible and discusses the rules for interpreting it. Topics covered include:
- hermeneutics as a subject
- issues in hermeneutics
- vocabulary for interpretation
- the role of the Holy Spirit.
Online Course Website
Biblical Theology
Covenant Theological Seminary
In this free online theology course from Dr. Gerard Van Groningen and Covenant Theological Seminary, students will study the concepts of:
- kingdom
- covenant
- mediator
- how they unify the Scriptures
The course consists of 26 lessons. It is all audio, and is available via iTunes.
Biblical Theology
Westminster Theological Seminary
The website Biblical Training is home to this seminary-level course from Westminster Theological Seminary. Biblical Theology is taught by Dr. Greg Beale, and takes approximately 22.5 hours to complete. The course consists of 22 lectures on topics such as:
- “Use of the Term ‘Latter Days’”
- “Jesus as the Son of God,”
- “The Community of the New Creation,” to name but a few.
A Biblical View of Wealth and Poverty
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
A Biblical View of Wealth and Poverty is a free online theology course offered by Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Totaling 30 lecture videos, the course consists of a biblical and theological study of ethical issues relating to wealth and poverty.
Online Course Website
Building Your Theology
Third Millennium Ministries
Building Your Theology is another free online theology course offered by Third Millennium Ministries via Our Daily Bread University. Understanding that theology can seem complicated to many, this course helps students build their own theology on certain foundations of the Scriptures, with pathos and practical application. Taught by Vincent Bacote, Ph.D., this online class takes about four hours to complete.
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Can You Trust the Bible?
Dallas Theological Seminary
Because Dallas Theological Seminary believes “that all 66 books of the Bible are inerrant and are ‘useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness’ (2 Timothy 3:16)”, they offer this interesting online theology course at no charge. The class covers the history of the Bible, how it was canonized, and whether or not it can be trusted as the inerrant word of God.
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Christian Theology
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary’s free online Christian Theology course spans 25 lecture videos, each of which averages about 18 minutes in length. Over the course of the class, participants will study the basics of Christian belief by examining what the Bible says, discussing why sound theology matters, and embracing personal growth.
Online Course Website
Christianity Through Its Scriptures
Harvard University
Harvard University’s free online theology class, Christianity Through Its Scriptures, is a good choice of a course for anyone new to theology, or wanting to learn more about Christianity. Over the course of four weeks, students will explore the ways in which sacred Christian scriptures have been interpreted over the last 2,000 years.
Online Course Website
Desiring God
Led by Dr. John Piper, Desiring God is a simple, four-hour course presented by desiringgod.org, and available via the website Biblical Training. Over five lessons, participants will be exposed to a variety of interesting ideas. These include:
- “Introduction to Christian Hedonism”
- “The Pursuit of Joy”
- “How to Fight for Joy,” to name but a few.
Online Course Website
Ephesians in the Context of Pauline Theology
Hope International University
Ephesians in the Context of Pauline Theology is another free audio course available via iTunes. The class spans 46 lectures, and areas of study include the basic structure of:
- Ephesians
- the city of Ephesus
- the church at Ephesus.
Essentials of Old Testament Theology
Beeson Divinity School
Dr. Paul House of Beeson Divinity School leads this three-hour course called Essentials of Old Testament Theology. The introductory course offers students a peek at the major themes of the Old Testament. Lectures include:
- “God and Creation”
- “God and His People”
- “The Heart of God in Judgement,” among others.
Foundations of Systematic Theology
Our Daily Bread University
Foundations of Systematic Theology is an ideal course for those new to the study of theology. This free online course from Our Daily Bread University covers the essentials of all major areas of systematic theology. The course consists of 24 lessons, each of which averages 40 minutes in length.
Online Course Website
The Gospel of John
Dallas Theological Seminary
For anyone who wants to grow in his or her ability to read and interpret scripture, The Gospel of John is a great choice of online course. This free theology class from Dallas Theological Seminary is sent to students by email at the rate of one lesson per week. The course lasts eight weeks, and each class consists of a video lecture, reflection questions, and recommended reading for a deeper study.
Online Course Website
A Guide to Christian Theology
Western Seminary
A Guide to Christian Theology is a free online seminar offered by Western Seminary via the website Biblical Training. Dr. Gerry Breshears teaches the 15-hour class, which includes both audio and video lectures. By the end of the course, students will understand the main components of systematic theology, beginning with what we know about God. Special emphasis is given to topics like:
- Christ
- the church
- salvation
- the future.
Online Course Website
Historical Jesus
Stanford Continuing Studies Program
Historical Jesus is a free audio-based theology course available via iTunes. Presented by Stanford Continuing Studies Program, this 11-lecture class focuses on the life of Jesus Christ as an historical figure. Students will explore the things he said and did, then contrast those things with what early Christians believed he said and did.
Online Course Website
How to Read the Bible Like a Seminary Professor
Dallas Theological Seminary
Dr. Howard Hendricks was one of Dallas Theological Seminary’s most beloved teachers. This free online course presents one of his best classes to anyone wanting to learn to read the Bible like a seminary professor. Over the course of four weeks, students will learn more about:
- the truth of God’s Word
- how to apply the Bible to one’s own life
- how to read and interpret Scripture.
Online Course Website
New Testament Theology
Beeson Divinity School
The purpose of this course from Beeson Divinity School (via the website Biblical Training) is to present “the basic theological message of the New Testament both in its diversity of expression and in its fundamental conceptual unity.” Over the course of about 15 hours, students will:
- put together an historical and philosophical foundation for understanding the New Testament
- examine the major theological themes of three parts of the New Testament
- study the theological themes that bind the New Testament together as one book.
Old Testament Theology
Beeson Divinity School
Old Testament Theology is the perfect companion course to the aforementioned class, New Testament Theology. In this free online course from Beeson Divinity School and Biblical Training, students will explore theological themes from the entire Old Testament. The 20 lectures include:
- “The Doctrine of Creation”
- “The Purpose of the Law”
- “The God of History.”
Online Course Website
An Overview of the New Testament
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Those who want a refresher or introduction to the New Testament are likely to find what they are looking for in An Overview of the New Testament. This free online theology course from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary guides students through a basic understanding of the New Testament so that “they can better understand the Word as they study.” The course consists of 32 lecture videos, each lasting an average of 20 minutes.
Online Course Website
Dallas Theological Seminary
Dallas Theological Seminary offers its popular course on Revelation as a free online theology class. By completing the course, students will gain insight into the social and political conditions of John’s day, learn to interpret the prophecies presented in the book of Revelation, and explore what Revelation tells us about the return of Christ.
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The Story of Scripture
Dallas Theological Seminary
The Bible consists of myriad writing styles, including poetry, letters, history, wisdom, and psalms. This free online theology course from Dallas Theological Seminary invites students to look at the Bible from a different perspective, and interpret the ways in which style and language impact our understanding of it.
Online Course Website
Survey of Church History
Our Daily Bread University
Survey of Church History is a free online theology course from the website Our Daily Bread University. Taught by Garth M. Rosell, Ph.D., the class explores the evolution of the Christian church from Pentecost to today, pointing out key figures and events along the way. The course consists of 25 lessons, each of which is about 45 minutes in length.
Online Course Website
Theology & Culture
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary offers this 26-lecture class entitled Theology & Culture. The free course explores various cultural realms including art, sports, business, and politics. Participants are challenged to consider the ways in which God cares about all aspects of life, and how we can interact with various aspects of culture in ways that are pleasing to God.
Online Course Website
Theology of the Reformers
Beeson Divinity School
Those interested in the Protestant reformation will find this course from Beeson Divinity School and Biblical Training to be worth the effort. The advanced-level, 15-hour course examines the leaders of the reformation, along with the scholars and their writings which inspired them.
Online Course Website
Theology of World Missions
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary offers Theology of World Missions as a free online course via the website Biblical Training. The advanced-level course provides a fascinating framework for a theology of world missions based on a biblical worldview. The course consists of 19 audio lectures, and takes approximately 20 hours to complete.
Online Course Website
Understanding God’s Covenants
Dallas Theological Seminary
Understanding God’s Covenants is a free course offered online by Dallas Theological Seminary. Over the course of six weeks, students will study the key promises God has made to His people.
Online Course Website
Unlocking the Parables of Jesus
Denver Seminary
Taught by Distinguished Professor of New Testament Dr. Craig Blomberg, Unlocking the Parables of Jesus is a free online theology course offered by Denver Seminary. Over the course of the class, students will read and discuss more than a dozen of Jesus’s parables. They will explore different interpretations and the ways in which they can be applied to our daily lives.
Online Course Website
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